Green Space Festival (GSF) is OUR festival, and together we take care of and keep each other safe, so that we can have the best time of our lives while supporting an important cause.

Every year, we strive to make this an experience that EVERYONE will enjoy. Part of that means making sure that the space meets the access needs of our staff, volunteers, and attendees as much as possible.

Here are the accessibility measures in place for the 2024 festival:

Entrance and Exits

• People with mobility devices and other accessibility needs may enter the venue via our dedicated accessible entrance on Church Street on the north side of The 519 building. This is also the Club 519 wristband holders’ entrance. The accessible exit is the same as the main exit on the north-west side of the venue on Church Street.

• Like all entry points, security, ID, and bag check will be conducted at the accessible entrance as well. If you need any additional accommodations, please let our guest services team and staff at the entrance know.

• Service animals are allowed inside the venue. Loud volume levels might however be distressing for animals.

Accessible Viewing Area and ASL

• There will be an accessible viewing space in front of the main stage for all performances at GSF, including during Starry Night (June 26). This space can accommodate mobility devices.

• A limited number of priority seats will be reserved in this area. People with access needs may also bring along their own folding chairs.

• On Starry Night, ASL will be available for the land acknowledgement, opening remarks, and speeches.


• Accessible washrooms will be available on the south side of The 519 building (just past the general festival entrance).

• If you have other related accessible needs, please get in touch with a staff member of volunteer onsite.

Food and Drinks

• An accessible bar will be available in the splash pad area, east of The 519 building. A portion of the bar platform will be lower to facilitate accessible purchase of drinks.

• For people in the accessible viewing area only who wish to use the service, volunteers will be available to take orders and deliver food.

• As always, our catering team is doing their best to meet general dietary restrictions that people might have. Vegan, vegetarian, and non-vegetarian options will be available.

Sound and Light

• We want to remind folks that Green Space Festival is a primarily a music festival. Participants can expect loud music and strobe lighting during festival hours which might be overstimulating for some.

• Consider bringing ear plugs along and taking breaks from the sound and light when you feel called to.

Harm Reduction and First Aid

• Paramedics will be onsite at all times to respond to emergencies. If someone near you needs emergency medical services, promptly inform a staff member of volunteer closest to you.

• First aid is available inside The 519 building. If you need support, please get in touch with a staff member or volunteer.

• Harm Reduction staff will be walking through the venue to ensure that everyone is taken care of. You can identify them by the backpacks they will be carrying; feel free to get in touch with them if you need anything including water, first aid, etc.

• There will be an info booth on the south side of The 519 building just past the festival entrance and beside the splash pad where folks can also access condoms, dental dams, lube, and other safer sex resources.

• All food stations and bars will have hand sanitizers.

• Please stay hydrated. A water fountain is stationed outside the splash pad area on the north side.

Medication and Baby Food

• Bringing liquids, food, and drugs into the venue is strictly prohibited. Bags will be checked at all entry points.

• Please bring any required medication along in prescription containers to make bag check as easy and smooth for you as well as security staff.

• Families with little ones may bring along a reasonable amount of baby food (formula, purees, milk, etc.), snacks, and water.

Purchases and Donations

• GSF is completely cash-free and token-free.

• Only credit and debit cards will be accepted at all transaction points (including food stations, bars, and donations points). Please plan ahead of your visit.

Accessibility Requests

We strive to do our best and make GSF an accessible, inclusive, and affirming experience, and with your feedback, we’re getting better with each passing year.

If you have any access requests prior to or during the festival, or feedback to provide, please get in touch with us at

Thank you and wish you a safe and enjoyable GSF! Now let the music playyy!